If you're looking for a great place to meet all your favorite characters at once, look no further than Donald's Dino-Bash! All the characters are located in Dinoland U.S.A. and are wearing special dinosaur themed costumes.

Donald is the leader of the dinosaur gang, and his line is usually the longest out of the group.
Tip for meeting Donald- he doesn't like to see Mickey ears or stickers, since Donald is #1!

Daisy is the fashion designer for dino-bash. She designed outfits for Donald, Goofy, and herself. She even put a scarf on the dinosaur!
Tip- ask her about the three hidden Mickeys

Goofy is located on the other side on dino-land near the temporarily closed Primeval Whirl. Behind him is an interactive carnival game that makes a great interaction for the little ones.
Chip and Dale

Chip and Dale aka the amazing Chipmunk-o-saurus are in adorable dinosaur costumes. This classic duo is always so much fun- I had the best time with Chip as he searched my backpack for snacks and tried to draw on my face with my autograph pen.
Tip- Chip is the one with the little black nose because it looks like a chocolate chip!
Scrooge McDuck

Scrooge is a rare character to find in the parks. He is in Dinoland searching for rare dinosaurs, so there are plenty of interesting drawings and models in his area.
Launchpad McQuack

Lastly we found Launchpad McQuack, who is just as rare of a find as Scrooge. He claims to be a better pilot than Goofy, but if you've been to Barnstormer you know that's not hard to beat. Launchpad had a shorter line so we were able to spend more time with him than the other characters.